Chewie got hurt at the dog park and got a gash above his left eye. This is while we waited for the vet to open. This is our old buddy Toby. He was there picking up his frontline. (He had a flea!) Here's Chewie after the vet. They shaved the area and glued his skin shut. Poor ittle guy.
Fenway: Mom, I don't like the rain, so why don't I just hold it and you can rub my belly while we watch animal planet. MKTHNX.
MJ: ORLY? I'm taking you out anyway because even though I swear I'm the type of mommy who doesn't dress up her little guy, I really am. So yeah, first I snipped your junk and now I am going to force you to wear the cutest thing ever and you have no say because it's totes "for your own good" not at all for evil cuteness purposes.
Fenway: .... (not amused) I won't forget this one, lady.